How Skin Juice Began

As told by Skin Juice creator, Jo Dampney.

We’ve harnessed the lessons learnt over time to bring our dream to fruition.

Lesson #1: Never forget where you come from.

A proud country girl at heart, I have fond memories of growing up on our family property in Narrabri, NSW. 

Hungry for adventure, I would explore the bush and delight in the sensory experience: a fresh breeze, the crisp summer aromas, the warmth of the sun upon the earth. To me, the Australian bush defines beauty.

Lesson #2: You’ll never do a day’s work in your life if you do something you love.

An old billabong ran through our property, a great source of entertainment for us as kids. It’s fascinating evidence of ancient volcanic eruptions and the ocean that had once covered this land, long ago. Left behind were mineral rich clays, burnt yellow and red ochre in colour, with the most delightful textures and earthy aromas.

This remarkable location became my childhood playtime laboratory: I collected and mixed these purifying clays and bottled them as gifts for family and friends, to be used for face and body painting as well as some elaborate type of skin treatment.

Lesson #3: Learn the rules, then break them!

As I grew up, I realised I wanted to continue and expand my knowledge and fascination with the natural healing powers of the earth. But you know what they say – you have to learn the rules before you can break them!

So, it was after my very conventional beauty training that I set about doing things ‘my way’.

Lesson #4: Necessity is the mother of invention.

For 8 years I owned and operated a successful salon in Newcastle NSW, with rituals and treatments that focused on holistic and natural choices, but I had struggled to find products that reflected the ethos of my life and my business.

So, I gradually began to utilise my aromatherapy knowledge and combine this with my fascination for fruit and plant oils and their therapeutic effects.

I learnt more about the nature of plant oils and their biocompatible properties with the skin, as well as the function, application and results of various plant oils on the skin when applied using different methods.

I began using these oils, in a way no other cosmetic formulations were - to nourish and balance the skin. This approach to skincare was very new at this time.

Lesson #5: When you’re onto a good thing, stick with it.

Skin Juice was founded in 1996 and my loyal clientele became my research group. I’m pleased to say, many of my early test subjects still use Skin Juice today.

It wasn’t long before word spread about this innovative concept which was breaking all the ‘rules’ of skin care with cleansing oils instead of soapy formulas, and night oils in place of creams.

I’m so proud of every product we release and delivering new and exciting concepts to the industry.

I believe we have maintained the personality and soul of the Skin Juice range over time, while also moving ahead with the very best interests of our customers, business and employees at heart... and having a whole lot of juicy fun along the way!